Thanks SOOO much for writing me! I don’t have much time to day b/c we went to a place called "Slavnie Gorsk” I’ll send some pictures, it took us 4 hours to go each way, but it was sooooo worth it! It’s supposed to be one of the most beautiful places in all of Ukraine. I’ll tell you about one of the coolest things ever about what happened there. So this place is considered holy ground, which means girls have to cover their heads at all times. We took off our tags (which is WAY weird to do) and did the cultural Ukraine for once, it was AWESOME. So, we were walking up to a temple that is literally built out of the side of the mountain and kind of reminds me of Lord of the Rings and Sister Ward in my district starts talking to this random lady. Well after a while, she invites us to go with her and the rest of the people there worshipping that day to go have a free lunch in one of the rooms next to a temple. Being missionaries, always hungry, and poor...we quickly agreed. We just follow a large group of people in to this eating hall thing and there are a ton of tables set up with fat pots, borsht and others Ukrainian soups. We all go and sit down at a table. It reminded me almost of when we feed the homeless. Anyways, as I sat down having no idea if we're allowed to eat or not, everyone stands up all at the same time and starts quietly singing an old Slavic hymn ( which I think is a prayer actually ) and the Russian priests come out and everything! The priests have GIANT beards so I’m obviously stoked on that cuz I want one super bad...but after the hymn, they all sit down and grub. It was like having a giant family dinner but with 100 people. The priests I guess make the food and you eat till you can’t anymore. It was SOOO COOOL!! Everyone helped dish each other’s food and everyone helped clean up. The food was interesting but I was just in awe of everything going on. Everyone is Russian orthodox and so they worship icons. Inside temples, you won’t be able to find one part of the wall that isn’t painted or covered with a picture of Mary, Phillip, Jesus, Baby Jesus....etc. From a cultural stand point, it was AWESOME, but from a religious stand was way eerie. I had a blast though.
This week is my last week in 1st area! I’m about to get my second companion and I’m super sad to leave. I love Elder Smith with all my heart. It was super nice to be with someone who is on the same page concerning missionary work. Ever since I met Elder Bennett and Brother Richardson, my mission has literally changed and I couldn’t be more grateful. I hate transfers by the way; I just hate getting into the groove with a new companion. Things are finally getting comfortable and my district is getting WAY close...and of course I get transferred :). But I’m excited, change is good. I’m blown away at the ridiculous amount of emotions that my mission has thrown at me. OH and Satan...I don’t like him very much. I know that my trials help me become stronger and become closer to God, but jeez they can be hard sometimes. I went and saw a doctor about my itchiness...they took my blood? It was sketchy to say the least haha, good experience though. They think it’s related to stress, so now I get to talk to a woman who is serving a mission in Germany, and she just talks to missionaries in Europe and of the Europe East Russia (EER) all day about stress...its way cool! I love it, we have one hour appointments over the phone and she teaches through using the scriptures. My itching never stops and hasn’t stopped since the MTC, but I’m adapting to it. I don’t sleep at night very well...ever, but we're trying to fix that. Don’t worry, I really am doing fine it’s just that lack of sleep gets annoying sometimes. I ate the NASTIEST thing I’ve ever eaten on my mission by the way. I have the mindset that I’m only here once, so might as well do it right and try everything! So I was an "old soviet tradition"...we were at the famous Dacha and we were fed a soup thing that included gretcha and nasty goose....that wasn’t that bad, the bad part was that Valentyn gives me a piece of bread, cuts about 1/3 of a raw onion and puts it on top of the bread, then absolutely SMOTHERS the onions and bread in mayonnaise....and says " here, eat...its an old soviet tradition." My stomach will never be the same. I hear that a bridal shower is coming up? I want pictures ASAP! I’m so proud of my family! I love you all sooo much. The mission is truly the best 2 years for my life. Hands down the hardest thing I have ever done, but I am eternally gratefully for every second of it. Happy Halloween too!
k I have to head out but I love you all!
- Старейшина Руни
More work at the Docha, cutting down trees with a hand saw and goats....
Wait for it.....wait for it... oweeee, it bit me!!!
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