I just want to start off and say I love you all. And I can’t begin to tell you how blessed I am to have you as my support team. This week’s emails made me feel like I was having a one on one with each of you. You, my dear family, mean the world to me.
It’s great to hear how things are going at home! KIMI is getting married!! Still blows my mind. haha and it sounds like Kyle and Alex are pulling up with a close Second haha. Kyle..there's still whole mission ahead of you ;) (That was a joke by the way). Anyways....this week was just absolutely crazy. I never thought that so much could happen to any single person in this short space of time. I can feel your love and prayers and I thank you for them. I had probably the most memorable thanksgivings of my life! Because we're a satellite city, we weren’t able to go Donetsk with the rest of the missionaries, so we had our own. Good thing we have an AMAZING chef in our district or we would have all eaten pizza or something. Well, being boys, still, and never tried to have a thanksgiving on our we tried our best. All we knew is that when thanksgiving is here...you eat a TON. So, we did just that. How does 26 potatoes, a GIANT fruit salad, 2 other salad things, about 45 rolls, Corn and peas, homemade gravy from the 2 TURKEYS we bought plus 12 kilos of pumpkin and apple (also homemade) sound? There was more, I just forgot. Did we even dent one turkey? Absolutely not. haha we’re going back today for thanksgiving round 2. The food was absolutely incredible. I have never been so impressed with a thanksgiving in my life. We went outside and threw the glorious football mom sent me, in the freezing cold...some random teens came and played with us..it was awesome. We went back in to eat more food...then when we all thought we were going to die from too much food.
We had a "thankfulmony" meeting. It was powerful. One of my favorite experiences on my mission. The spirit was very powerful. Then to top off thanksgiving, we had a miracle lesson with our investigator Alexander (Sasha, for short). We had an angel of a member at the lesson. Alexander will be baptized on Saturday!! He has been coming to church for a while and is 23. All he needs are friends. He quit smoking AND drinking to be baptized....Baller. He was found in August I think. He is awesome. He took us to a shooting range thing that are EVERYWHERE here, it’s actually super funny, then to a super bomb slash way sketchy place to eat these nasty Ukrainian traditions...they were so good but everyone jokes that the meat used is dog or cat meat; even the Ukrainians haha. It was like being "the boys" again. The mission can be soooo fun, if you let it. I have been so blessed to be called to this mission. This morning I studied virtue and something that I thought was very interesting was that a virtuous person has qualities that have to be worked on. You can’t just be virtuous. A Virtuous person is prayerful, Obedient, and most of all focused. I love how the things of the gospel are so intertwined but at the same time very separate. K, I have to go eat thanksgiving dinner all over again. But I love you all so much. Thanks for your love!
- Старейшина Руни
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