Last Wednesday was the youth broadcast for the EER (Europe East Russia) for all the YSAs (Young single Adult) and then later for priesthood and anyone one who had a teaching Calling. It was amazing, Elder Bennett from the quorum of the Seventy, Brother Richardson, the 2nd counselor of the general Sunday school presidency, and Brother Gibson of the general young Men presidency were all there. Brother Richardson was the guy who spoke about hiking in Conference and Elder Bennett about paying attention to the warning signs and swimming in a rip tide. Anyways, after the first meeting with all the youth, there was a break between meetings, and the Assistants to the Mission President say that Elder Bennett wants to speak with all of the missionaries asap. So we were all excited but also kinda nervous cuz it sounded like some chastising was coming our way. So we get in a small room with only the missionaries in our area, so maybe 25 of us and that was all. And he spoke to changed my mission. He starts off by telling us that he is on assignment to come put this broadcast together by Pres Monson. And that he didn’t know why he was to come to Donetsk of all places when he could have gone to Kiev or Moscow where there are actually people that would show up, and where there are stakes...but in little dinge Donetsk where maybe only 50 people tops were there. So he has a specific Assignment to talk with the people and in the middle of the entire thing...he gets this was strong prompting to call a meeting with the missionaries ( the YSA mtg was about eternal marriage so the missionaries didn’t need to be there but were on assignment from our president). He gets in there and had us open to JS history meanwhile telling us that he had nothing prepared b/c he should be doing a broadcast for the entire EER shortly. We start reading the account of the 1st vision, and then he stops us and asks us what happened to joseph during the 1st vision. So being missionaries and having the 1st vision on lock, we tell him. Then in the middle of the account when reading, he stops at the part when Satan comes into to play...and points out that the only thing that Satan could do was bind Joseph's tongue. Then he stops ( btw he is the most loving person and is on the verge of tears) and says that he’s sad that we were even at the broadcast when people were outside "perishing" and we were in side not helping them. But because we were on assignment by our president, it was ok because our mission president has stewardship over his mission and the keys to run it. He then gave us a whole lesson on why Satan binds our tongues and as missionaries even we let it happen let alone when we are just regular people without the tag. It was POWERFUL. he asked some questions and only a few people the entire meeting participated, and it was cool because he said that the spirit can work through when we put ourselves out there ( which is an interesting topic to study ) so I participated...I literally only answered a question and gave my thoughts and my opinion. It was one of the spiritual experiences I’ve had on my mission. The love of God just took over every inch of my body. And all I did was put myself out there. He also said that this mission is hard b/c it’s still in the "Covered wagon stage", and that "because it’s still in the covered wagon stage, we need to teach like Samuel Smith did and talk to everyone". This may not sound very powerful in this letter b/c I’m not the best writer, but I’m not was powerful and I just wish you all could have been there to experience it for yourself. The meeting went on for 1.5 hours and the whole time he didn’t care that was missing a huge broadcast to speak to 25 missionaries. He then goes on to say that he could have ignored the prompting but he didn’t and that that night he did as Joseph did, and unbound his tongue. He opened his mouth. I’m not sure if I can even grasp how hard that must have been for him. When he traveled all this way to speak to the entire EER and then bounced to talk to a handful of missionaries. The days that followed were some of the best days of missionary work ever. We got nothing for our area, got 4 referrals for our sisters in the Center area and I’ve never felt like such a missionary, never felt so productive. My mind set has changed and if the only person that took effect with that meeting on wed was me? was worth it. God works in mysterious ways. I’ve never been so tempted and worked on by the adversary in my life but at the same time I’ve never been and felt so blessed. We have to experience the depths of sorrow in order to feel the highest of joy. I love this mission. I love the lessons I’ve learned. From so of my studies, I’ve learned an interesting concept. We need not to just believe in Christ, but we need to BELEIVE Him. There is a HUGE difference. Do I actually believe Him? Sure His teachings are great (not taken lightly) but do I actually Believe Him? Think about that and let me know what your thoughts are. I also had the opportunity to speak with Brother Richardson one on one...he learned how to testify in Russian JUST for this one occasion. When I asked him why he told me " I’m here aren’t I?...might as well give it my all." I look up to people like that with the highest amount of admiration. He is a great example to me. Well this was kinda long but I want you all to know that my testimony is building every day and every day I’m being converted to this Gospel. I love you all so much, oh and I just found out that for Christmas....we're Skyping!! Have a great week!
- Старейшина Руни
Tracting in the neighborhood
Yeah for Skype!!!!!