HI! It was great to get your letters. I will say that Kyle is blowing EVERYONE out of the water when it comes to writing me. Thanks bro, you rock. Sounds, like there will be a party at the Rooney household yet again! Way to be fam, I hope everything will turn out, I’m sure it will.
This week, was just awesome. I honestly love this place and my comp/district with all my heart. So, i have an investigator! 2 of them actually! One is on date and if everything goes right, in December, he should be baptized. He showed up to church yesterday...that’s the 3rd time on my mission that an investigator came to church! He was just in Kiev working out visa issues b/c he will move to Canada in the summer, and takes his phone out and had pictures of the temple on it! HE WENT TO THE TEMPLE AND SPOKE WITH SISTERS THERE ALL ON HIS OWN! It was so cool to see that he had a genuine interest in the temple. This week we had a meeting with the zone but it wasn’t a zone conference, it was just a council with all the missionaries in our zone. It was so cool to see people again. Our district is way tight but b/c we're a satellite city, we don’t get to see anyone often. I got my interview with President and things are just going good. I love being a missionary. ON Saturday, we had a "music night" where anyone who wanted to perform could come and play or sing anything. Well other than the 6 missionaries there...6 more people showed up. Which is 6 more than I expected so it was a total success.
A guy named Jenya played the guitar and I played a few songs on the piano. but since no one showed up...including performers...Jenya handed me paper with some chords on it and well, we literally improvised/jammed half of the pieces that we played...I felt like I was at school again! It was so fun! I’ll try and send some videos but we’ll see if they send. BUT the coolest part of the whole night was that we had a Less Active family show up! AND the mom sang for one of the songs! THEN they showed up to church yesterday! It was so amazing to see the whole family having a great time. In my new area I’ve really seen the blessings of using my talents and not being afraid. The reason this less active family came is b/c we FINALLY scored a lesson with them and at the end of the lesson the mom wanted to sing..and there was a piano, so my comp played and we sang some hymns. She has a beautiful voice and we could really tell that she misses singing b/c no one else plays the piano. She had 2 very young boys...which if you remember with me and Kyle means that she always has to watch them so that no one gets hurt, breaks something, kills something/someone...etc. So after we sang, I played a bit thanks to comp b/c he told her I can. But I played and she liked it and asked if I could arrange a song to "if you could hie to kolob". I told her I’d try. We have been blessed with a piano in our apt, which I play ALL the time, so I wrote one. It was awesome b/c the missionaries and Jenya sang it at the music night. We had just started performing when our less active family walks in to the room. It couldn't have gotten any better. I've been studying a ton about Hope recently and pretty much your attitude towards things, can make or break you. It can make or break a company...a relationship...a family...a home. SOOOOO...have a good attitude! No one wants to be the person who complains all the time. I've seen how having a good attitude can change lives b/c I’ve seen the effects of having a bad one. Keep that in mind as you go through your next week. Always look for the good, YOU can relate with ANYONE. And I don’t know why, but that’s how the atonement works. Our Savior can relate to us perfectly, why that makes things better and easier? I have no idea, BUT it does, so use it to your advantage. I love you all and hope that you have a wonderful time together on thanksgiving!!
Oh yeah, IT'S COLD!!!
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