Ok so, I know that this is literally going to be read by friends, family, and probably a couple of randoms from across the world and you all know Sean from totally different perspectives. And with so many people, tongues, races, cultures, religious backgrounds, and varying levels of relationship with Sean I thought I'd introduce to you how the Rooney's do "See ya later!" 's...
First, We party...

And any good partying usually involves two things:
1. Way too much great food
2. Dancing or music or a combination
For the sake of Bishop Daddy (our Dad is in a position at church called "Bishop")...I will disclaim that this was not an official "farewell" event...just a bunch of friends and family getting together for a casual celebration of our favorite oldest Rooney dude.
Next, we call more people and party more...

He had to get one last Bing...it's a leftover obsession from my mission in Taiwan...we can call it a ridiculously oversized shaved ice covered in fresh fruit and sweet and condensed milk...but that doesn't close to do it justice, particularly at Guppy House :) Yum!
Then he said "see ya later!" to his adoptive family

The Remingtons...love these guys!! (and no, they haven't literally adopted him)
Then the saddest "see ya" of them all, Sage! She just moped around for like two days and followed him around everywhere he went.
Then the saddest "see ya" of them all, Sage! She just moped around for like two days and followed him around everywhere he went.

Whoever said Dogs aren't human lied...or he didn't own one.
Then it was off to Utah. That's where the Missionary Training Center is located (Provo, Utah, near his university BYU)

We made a great stop off and caught a session of the Church's bi-annual General Cenference. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!
After that we had a really neat opportunity to invite ALL of our family down to West Jordan where Sean was set apart as a fulltime missionary. And then...more food and more partying :) Our family rocks!! Three days and counting...
Then there was Monday...a nice day of errands and it was time for more food with some awesome family that totally knows the way to Seany's heart...
One of Daddy's brothers, Trent, and his awesome wife Kendra...

And all the sushi Seany's little heart desired...and way more than our stomachs really should have had room for.
Cabin fever??? Too much truck in too little time...

Oh and let's not forget the last kiss...

Stopped off at the best grandparent's home in the world...

Then there was the day of...Wednesday, April 6th, 2011
No one knows the way to a Rooney heart better than GreatGma Phyllis...love this woman!! She never let's us down...The Last Supper...or Breakfast...Kneaders, duh!
We were only able to drag breakfast out for like 2.5 hours so that put us at about 11am and his enter time wasn't until 1:15pm. He was DYING!!! Off to BYU to kill some time. We hung out at the Hinckley Center and then luckily we had a dear friend, that calls us family, who had just received his own mission call and wanted us join him to open it. Josue Didier is going to Florida and he and mom totally guessed it before he opened the envelope. Sean said that was the longest hour of his life and though he was having a hard time and started pacing he was grateful for the missionary focused distraction and got some good advice while there.
Finally, off to the MTC. Mom and Kyle had to drive home on Sunday to be back for school, so it was just Daddy and I (and Deb and the kids). As we pulled into the parking lot all of the sudden he bursts out, "Seriously!!! Get me out of this car!!! My heart is going to explode!!!!"

And the rest...well, I guess that's yet to be known...Go get 'em Elder Dude!!! We love you!!
We hope you enjoy following Sean on his adventure. We promise to keep you posted.
The rest of the blog will be 99% the emails that he'll be sending home once a week. I'm sure you'll enjoy.