woooow, this past week sounds like the craziest week ever. That’s so cool that everyone was able to get together for a bit in your hectic lives. I want pictures from the bridal shower ASAP. KYLE MAH BOOOOY! Finally the eagle man jeeeez, but congrats my man welcome to the club :) thank you all for writing me this week. All those who have served missions know that transfers are lame just in the fact that you just get into the groove, and just when everything seems to be going at full speed, it ALL changes. So I appreciate the letters honestly. The wedding is coming!! That’ll be a great p day. I love pictures by the way! Just saying...I’m so happy for all of you and the things that you are going through. Just keep God first and everything will turn.
(My favorite Family...so far and way hard to say goodbye)
So this we week was a whirlwind of emotions. I left my 1st area! I now am in an area called "Gorlovka" and Elder Frandsen is my new comp. He is the same age on the mission as Elder Smith, one transfer older than me. So pretty much nothing, when it comes to Russian; we're both pretty lost haha, but it’s coming, slowly. The best analogy that I have heard yet with the Russian language and actually speaking and understanding it, is "it’s like watching grass grow, you can’t see or notice the improvement but it’s happening"...it’s true, I can speak Russian a bit and understand a bit but compared to when I first got into country I have improved. It gets SO frustrating some times. I'll be talking on the phone and understanding everything, then the VERY NEXT phone call, it just sounds like gibberish...das;lghkegodifgu!! Learning Russian itself has taught me a ton about patience and it definitely shows me how weak I am. The mission for me is a pattern; as soon as you start feeling comfortable with anything...chigga chigga choo choo, here comes the humble pie. It’s good though, I’m learning so much. So my comp is a boss, the BIGGEST BYU fan EVER, I love him so much. Our area is the other "armpit" of the mission I guess. I think it’s great though cuz I have water! Whenever I have to take a shower or wash clothes or for anything that has to do with water...I can do it!! I don’t have to wait till the water turns on, AND my apt is actually warm! No more going to bed in sweats and my hoodie! WHOO! I love it. We already have 7 lessons set up for this week!! That is UNREAL! That’s double my last area! I am in love with my district too. oh and my first day here my comp tells me we have rats...then I saw one like 29 min after he said that! Last night I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I saw a fat rat run under our shower and the weird thing about it was it didn’t even faze me haha. We’ll catch them some time.
(after a night of Rat parties!!!)
I love my area, my comp, and just everything except for the FREEZING weather. I’ve really learned the principle of charity lately. Love…. just do it. It makes life so much better. Do everything with a smile or at least with a smile in your heart, because things are just easier that way. It’s not worth it to complain, or to have bad feelings built up inside you. In my mission I’m learning to see the good in everything. It’s hard especially here but it seriously makes life way better. Anyways, I’m doing great. Satan is just a sorry soul who didn’t get it, and he tries to take his anger out on everyone. I truly feel sorry for him. Being on my mission I thought I would be away from the "world" but this place blows America out of the water with how much people focus on having nice things, it’s really sad. Well, actually America is pretty bad too, BUT the important thing is to just put God first and everything will be ok. I love you all
have a great week!
- Старейшина Руни
Breakfast table with Elder Smith
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