K so right now...life couldn’t honestly get much better. Sounds like Kimi's talk went great and that’s awesome for Todd! I love that guy it'll be crazy when I see him again haha. I GOT YOUR PACKAGES!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! The music the pictures the candy! The COOKIES!!! Ukraine just isn’t up to par with pretty much anything haha. Except for juice, they've got us beat with that one. I know you've been planning (I think) to pick me up from the mish...if that’s the case, please rethink your decision. It honestly is not safe here unless you go to Kiev. Other than that, if you’re not doing God's work....you should have no business here haha seriously. Kimi is in Utah already? Crazy! My sources tell me that the waffle party was a blast! That’s awesome, great to hear. Time is just absolutely flying by.
This week was the craziest week of my mission...to start, two of my boys have their exit interviews today...the mission never ceases to throw crazy emotions at you. Even though I’ve only known them for a transfer, we became way tight. So it'll be sad to see them leave. But it’s cool, the work goes on. We got our transfer calls....we're getting 2 sisters in my District! I haven’t worked with sisters yet so I’m excited to see how things turn out. Ok, I’ll probably have one life threatening experience about once a week that I’ll write you about cuz i think that they're fun hahaha. I just know that if I’m doing my part, God will do his...and I’m doing my part so there's nothing to worry about :). Ready? K, so it all starts contacting, which is what we do all day everyday cuz we have only a handful of investigators, and we were seeing no success. So, I said a quick prayer to myself that we could at least talk to someone. As we know God answers prayers and about a minute later a guy walks up to us and asks us if he can have a copy of the Book of Mormon. WOW! God answered my prayer way fast it was SO COOL. We get his contact info and everything, it was awesome! His name was Victor and kind of weird but everyone is a little off here so it didn’t phase us. We had great conversation and just went on with our day. That night we get a phone call from this guy super late at night which we thought was weird but kind of just ignored. I woke in the morning with a text message from him saying he needed money which we also ignored cuz people tell us all the time that Americans are rich and that they need money....we thought it was a little weird but didn’t think much of it cuz he was probably just drunk like all the rest of the people here haha. So we set up a time to meet at his place and we head over there pretty stoked on this lesson we're about to have. I’ve got the Joseph Smith story memorized cuz i had been working in it so i could use it in our lesson...k the sketchiness begins....we go up to his apt and knock. we hear him come up to the door but then he starts talking to himself asking himself if he speaks English...in English! Then he starts making noises like he was moving things around and starts knocking on the door...we were just like, great...this guy’s drunk. So he finally finds the door knob and lets us in. His place was as bare as bare could be. Literally nothing on the walls, floors ....anything. We walk into his room slash living room and it’s just waaaay dark. Except for the TV was on. Immediately we both get this weird feeling, not to the extent that we needed to leave but, just that this guy seems like a nut. The TV looked like the TV from the movie "the Ring"...and it was playing weird children’s cartoons...static filled and everything. We look around and there were little Barbie’s kind of lying around and all that was in his room was this tiny TV, weird girl toys and a chest of some sort. He goes on to tell us that he is an "een-val-eed", mentally handicapped. then in broken English says" i kill, i kill" and something about Americans. So I’m starting to get a little freaked out and my comp and i give each other the “bro, this guy is literally crazy" look. We asked what that meant that he "kill"s. Well, that wasn’t the best question cuz he turns around and starts shuffling through his chest thing on the ground and through his bed sheets for something. me and my companion brace ourselves....we didn’t know what was about to go down so we were prepping in our minds what we would do...turns around with something that looks like a knife sheath thing and comes at me acting like he's trying to stab me with this thing he had in his hand. I probably soiled myself...i can’t remember. But after he stopped the eerie-est feeling came over the both of us. The guy starts to tell us that in 1991 he was put into a mental institution and was released in 2003.....the guy killed his dad with a knife and threw him off a "balcone"...balcony. And he started to act out how it all went down with that THING he had in his hand!! Coming at me!!!! We took off...never been so scared in my life. It was just a creepy strange environment...we thanked God that nothing happened to us. :)
We get to see Roza this week again! Pray for her! And there were 2 baptisms in our branch on Saturday! There really is no greater feeling than watching someone receive the Holy Ghost. Words can’t describe the feeling of watching some change their life. I love this work. I see blessings every day, I’ve never been so happy in my life. I know that you can literally go to God for anything cuz he's there for you. Have a great week. I loved the packages, you honestly have no idea how it feels to get things like that when you're on a mission, unless you've been here. Be happy, life is great. You literally have the choice to have a good day or not, it’s all up to you. I love this Gospel and know that it changes lives and brings true happiness to all. Love you all!!
- Старейшина Руни
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