Wow, you guys just never stop going. it’s great to hear from everyone and to hear that everything is awesome at home. DAD!!! wait what?! huh?!! What am I supposed to call you now? "Dad"? "Brother Rooney"? hahaha what are you feeling like right now?!! Bishop Okerlund?!! that’s sickkkk!!! He’ll do great, not doubt in my mind. Sounds like a full house at the Rooney's, as it should be. Your week sounds like it was a blast. I haven’t gotten a package yet but it'll come...hopefully haha. Diana! I need recipes for anything good to eat with limited supplies ASAP. You would be proud o0f me, I’m becoming a cook! I made apple cobbler literally from scratch and it turned out AMAZING!! Maybe a pizza recipe? Anything would be great. Thanks :)
I’m having the best time out here!
This week literally flew by. I’m afraid this whole experience is going to go by too fast. Well, I had my first "funny member family feeding you till you feel like you want to explode then they whip out more food and nasty candy stuff and watch you eat it ALLLLLL" experience this week :). It was a nightmare but we were glad that someone actually met with us so we were grateful haha. So, on my split this week, in my area, therefore I was the one leading...which was a blast and a scary thing at the same time....we went to see Galia. She lives about a 30 min walk away through a maze. Anyways, she's a J dub and we've seen here twice before. So we get up to the top of her "dome", apartment building, which is one of the worst ones in the mission and she lives at the top. We knocked and waited and then knocked and waited again. She didn’t answer which was usual. So just to the left of her door, there is a ladder...a sketchy broken that goes to the top of the entire bldg. So being 20 year olds, we decided to climb it, obviously. I went first...I made it safely and waited for elder Jensen, the one I was on a split with who had never met Galia at all, and as I was waiting for elder Jensen at the top of this ladder thing I was standing on when the door opens....Galia came out!! I was standing at the top of this thing where she couldn’t see me and my companion started talking to her and she started asking where "the other American" was...she eventually figured out that I was at the top of her dome and climbed that sketchy ladder that no one climbs....they started talking and I wasn’t sure what to do! I froze like a typical greenie. Anyways I decided that I should probably come down and talk to her too being that there should always be two missionaries seemed like a good idea until I had to climb back down the ladder!!! The thing was out to kill me. I tried to be as quiet as possible but with the death ladder that wasn’t even connected to the ground, that didn’t work out so well. Anyways, I got down and said hi haha she thought it was funny and the mood lightened up a ton. At the end she invited us back and said that we could go on her roof whenever, making fun of me, haha. It was SO FUNNY! I was so scared...but it all worked out because if she hadn’t started laughing she probably wouldn’t have seen that even though we're missionaries, we're still real people. When the mood lightened up, she began to soften her heart and eventually invited us back which was an absolute miracle. Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways. Next story, there was a rain far the worst I’ve ever been in...yup we were just contacting and the biggest drops of water I’ve ever seen were falling by the buckets from the sky...honestly it felt like I was in a shower with all my clothes on. People were hiding under trees and doing anything they could to get away from this thing, it was a lost cause and we walked the 15 minutes it took back to our home. I looked like I jumped in a pool...this week was a great week.
McDonald’s here is a delicacy its super weird but every time you see a McDonald’s here, you eat there cuz you never know when you'll be close to one again. But other than always sweating and dogs chasing you, OH! I got chased by a crazy dog that was on a mission to end my life!!! People on the mission here get bit all the time and have to go to Germany for rabies shots....anyways, I literally am livin the dream. Thanks for all the love and support. I love you all, have a great week!
- Старейшина Руни
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