Don’t worry we're having a bbq today to REPRESENT! wow...sounds like an awesome week at home. KYLE!!!!! how was EFY?!! tell me about it! your counselor? friends? spiritual experiences? Let me know! KIMI COMES HOME THIS WEEK!!!!! CRAZYYY!!! Give her my love when you see her. k...ready?
Here we go...SO, Ukraine is nuts, absolutely nuts. BUT I’m beginning to see why people love their mission. The first few days...hardest days of my entire life hands down but I’m beginning to see why people love it.
I got to see the rest of my area. Everyone here lives in giant rundown apt buildings and the way poor or way wealthy live in what’s called a "chas-nie dome" it’s pretty much a little make shift home. I have a few villages in my area!!! It’s so cool!! Yesterday we went around kicking doors to try and get people to come out of their homes to their gate door thing so that we could sing to was rad. We handed out three books of mormon!! That’s a stellar day by the way. Also, we have an investigator that WE found contacting!! This never happens I guess. everyone says I’m getting spoiled here, in my first week we got let in to a home and we taught the 1st lesson AND we found an investigator! I guess that’s rare here. Like a few elders in my district that go home at the end of the month have never gotten in to anyone’s apt let alone found an investigator and they're hard workers that I can see. But we met this random lady named Roza and gave her a book of mormon and got her contact info; we felt WAY good about that cuz she was actually nice to us. We called her and met with her 2 days later!! She’s 50 and has had a tough life but is truckin along. So we teach her the first lesson and she breaks down. She tells us how she's divorced and has two kids, a daughter and son, 26 and 22. Her daughter moved out and they don’t talk really and her son is a drug addict. We asked her if she had a DVD player to show her a video, but she said her son took it and sold it for his drugs...I’m sure it’s not the first time too. Oh and everyone does drugs here, and when I say drugs, I mean needles and everything. There are used needles on the ground everywhere...skecthy;
anyway, we teach her and she cries twice and then prays at the end, where she cried again and thanked God for sending us to her. She originally wanted us to teach her English but we told her that we would have to teach doctrine too but before our lesson, she told us to just teach. That’s huge. It was the most spiritual experience I’ve had in a long time. My comp said that that’s never happened to him on his mission. Roza wants to meet with us regularly and feed us and everything! She told us that we teach perfectly together and that we stand out. It really strengthened my testimony that everything happens for a reason and that me and ct. Pulsipher were supposed to meet at BYU in the summer and become friends so that we could be companions and meet Roza so that we could help her change her life. God is perfect. I know that this is the perfect mission for me and that just meeting Roza is why I’m supposed to be here at this time. Writing letters about the mission is SO HARD! I have SO much to say! So much has happened this week it’s crazy. OH! we got a new mission president haha I guess that’s worth telling. He’s Bolivian and his wife barely speaks English let alone Russian but I guess he's already doing more for the mission than our last president did? I don’t know, I didn’t really know the last one so I can’t say anything really but he's a boss. soooooo cool, and really little. By the way, I eat way good. I’m becoming a way good cook. I eat better here than at home most days. it’s like camping, we always eat good when we go camping, and my apartment.....well let’s just say that I’ll be eating good for a while :). We jamm to “Wicked” almost every night...I’m sorry for ripping on it Cami/Kimi, I think NOW it’s the best thing ever! also, Cameron if you're reading this, remember that Disney cd we jammed to when I was in Utah? Well someone burned it and put into my apt before I got here haha we jamm to that almost every day too :) it’s cool. Anyways….I love you all and thanks for writing me!!
Have a great week!
-Ct. Rooney
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