Those were the sickest pictures EVER!!! The family sounds like all is well! I’m sure the pepper eating contest was a waaaay funny. it reminds me of when we had family reunion in California and we went fishing out of Davey's Locker and me and Nate threw the live bait in our mouths...good times. I honestly have the Raddest family ever. It sounds like things are getting crazy with an upcoming WEDDING!! Blows my mind, can’t get over that still. That'll be a fun P-day getting all of those pictures. We got to watch General Conference in our native tongues!! It was the best thing ever!!! President Monson is getting funnier and funnier. It’s good to see that having a sense of humor is allowed in the church... I think people need to loosen up a bit, especially here haha. I can’t choose a favorite talk b/c they were all sooooo good. It annoys me that I never took advantage of General Conference before my mission, but that’s just another reason why the mission is sooooo important. It really is the Best 2 years for my life. It’s my (and anyone one who has served) school for eternity. Watching General Conference made me way trunky haha, but not in a sense that I wanted to come home really bad, but it made me just want to get my life after the mission started already so I can FINALLLLLLLY apply everything that I’ve learned. Never letting the mission leave you is something that I want to strive to happen when I get back. Families are forever, and there is NOTHING greater. That’s why we're here. AHH I love the Gospel so much. And it makes me sad that I’m just BARELY allowing it to REALLY change my life and I’m a missionary. The more I learn about the Gospel the more I realize that I don’t know a thing! And it’s so hard to see the people here, that much further away from it all. This truly is an Inexhaustible Gospel. What I’ve learned a ton on my mission is seeing things as they really are. After reading a ton of conference talks and byu devotionals out here, you begin to see patterns in the way prophets and apostles speak and write. Neal A Maxwell almost ALWAYS brings that reference up in his talks. It’s SOO crucial to see things as they really are, and to have that eternal perspective about everything. PMG (preach my gospel) is becoming more and more inspired as I dig into it. Here's an interesting concept about having an eternal perspective I think is from PMG....but think of all the people that you associate with every day, even the ones that you might not have the strongest feelings for...they still are just like you in that they also have the full opportunity if they choose, to become like God. Crazy. Changes your view about them doesn't it? I love getting all of your letters! I feel your love. Know that I love you all soooo much, but that God loves you perfectly. Keep working hard and keep being missionaries! None of us are perfect, I know I’m definitely not but this is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SAINTS. I like the quote that I heard that I have absolutely no idea who wrote it but..."saints are just sinners who kept going". So don’t EVER stop trying and moving forward with your Eternal Goals, and let’s stop living below our privileges! I love you all!! Have a great week!
- Старейшина Руни

Our Branch President and his family...

Bath time, with a little help from a friend, Valentin.... can't wait for winter :o)

The neighborhood....
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