NO letter today from anyone?? wooooooow....there's only 5 of you that could write.....its ok I forgive you ;) . You’re all lucky I had a killer week!! So I hope things are go well at home. A lot can happen in a week! How was general conference?!!! I get to watch it in my native tongue in a week when all the translations are done. I guess they put all the missionaries in a room at the church and we chillllll all day and watch conference together! I’m way stoked. Kendra sent me a dearelder!!!!! Kendra! Thank you so much!! You’re the best. Letters mean a lot here so thank you!! I’m glad to hear that all is well Kendra; you'll be a way dope cub mom! Just make cookies and play with fire and all the kids will love you :) keep up the good work, and I’m glad you remembered I like VEGAS ROLLS!!! We’re going again when I get back. Kyle, my man I haven’t heard from you...write me a.s.a.p. fool. Anyways, I love you all and I hope you all have a good week!
This past week was way good. Yesterday was fast Sunday...I love fast Sunday! But other than the sacrament the coolest part was my mission prep class I started!! Sunday we planned everything out and how we wanted to run it and kind of just went for it. After our zone conference I was really motivated with getting youth to serve missions b/c by how it looks now, there won’t be a very strong leadership in the church here if the youth don’t shape up. And we know that temples are going to scatter this land like South I hope that I can help move that prophecy along. So after zone conference there were a ton of ideas that people came up with to try and help the youth here, then I thought back to what helped get me motivated to serve a mission and that was the mission prep classes. It was way cool b/c actually went through with something and did it. Ideas are easy to get going but when it comes down to actually doing something, that’s were people slack (including me). So, we got permission from our branch president and got the word out. There are 2 in our branch that are working on papers to go so that’s who we're aiming toward. B/c we want them to get stoked so that they will get their friends stoked. So we had 2 in our class on Sunday but one of them is debating whether or not he wants to serve and the other is solid. The other person working on his papers didn’t show up but we'll get him next week! It was way cool, it was in a little nursery room but it was all good b/c Sasha (21) said that he felt the spirit and that’s all that matters to me. Another reason why it was so rad was b/c I led the WHOLE Russian. CRAZY!!! My Russian is so bad but God makes weak things become strong and everything worked out perfectly! So that was yesterday....on Tuesday we contacted this drunk dude on the streets, which we never do. They chose to give up their agency so why would we talk to them right? Wrong...this one was pretty toasted but we decided to go through with it, his Name is Nikol. Anyways we called him Saturday along with another contact that we contacted into and we have 2 new investigators!!!! Nikol blew me away with how prepared he is and it was just another lesson to me that even though we see people who are drunk out of their minds EVERY day...they still need the Gospel too. I’m definitely not perfect so that gives no room to judge. I learn a ton of lessons out here, and I have more and more respect for those that served before me because this is no joke. If I wasn’t on the Lord's errand....I’d be dead out here already haha. Just kidding...but probably. The weather is getting way cold and our apt has no insolation, yup its freezing. I wear a hoodie and sweats to bed already! And the worst part is, that it’s supposed to get 80 DEGREES COLDER!! Last year was a MILD winter I guess and the lowest it got was 40 degrees F in the NEGATIVE....yup, it was nice knowing ya. I’m loving life right now, seriously I feel the love of God so much and I can’t wait to go home so that I can actually apply the things I learn. I figure that I learn a ton of lessons on the mission, buts it’s not until you're on your own to apply them, that’s when things really count. I love being a missionary. It’s so hard, but its way rewarding, this Gospel truly is the Inexhaustible Gospel. I love you all!
- Старейшина Руни
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