I love getting your emails and hearing everything that’s going on. Sounds like things are pretty rock solid. It’s great to hear about Alex and her progression in the Gospel. I can’t wait for her to really let it change her life. I still have no idea what’s going on with Cami! but I talked to kimi...everything is going great so I hear. Dad, it’s funny that you mentioned the house becoming empty b/c I was JUST talking with my comp that everyone is leaving the hectic Rooney residence which is definitely a change. I realized that when I get back from this whole mission thing I will be at school, Kimi will be long gone, Kyle will barely be home if at all ( depending what he does for school), and Cami will most likely be out too. So it'll be just the old Folks at home! That’ll be a first...I’m not sure how much I like it to be honest haha. But change is good and is necessary for us if we want to progress. Mom and Dad I just want to say thank you. You've created and helped developed 4 little machines that are all strong in the Gospel. You 2 did it right. Every once in a while I try and picture what kind of father I want to be and all I see is this dude named Mike Rooney...who surfs. And I mean it...and I know that you (Dad) are who you are today b/c of Moji Rooney. So thank you both.
This week was great! The time flies by literally. So I have great experiences ALL the time and those who have been on missions know that it’s impossible to write home and tell about every single one no matter how fast you can type. So I’ll just stick with one for this week....it’s a good one :) So....we have AN investigator, his name is Victor and he's a doctor for the miners who get in wrecks. He's a great guy and I’m sure I’ve told you a bit about him. Well the Spirit helped us find him and well I just gets better. So we decided to call him Saturday morning and he agreed to meet with us! We called a member named Vadeem to come with us but he couldn’t....sooo we called up our branch president to come with us b/c we thought he needed to be able to relate to someone. Our branch president said he could make so that was RAD. The ENTIRE lesson was guided by the Spirit and was near perfect. I remember the branch president brought up an experience he had with priesthood blessings which was cool but it was completely off topic. but it was exactly what Victor needed to hear ( of course it was) then the rest of our lesson was perfect and not really at all what we planned but that’s the beauty of the Spirit. So I called him Sunday morning to see if he could make it to church which is at least 45 min away on 2 buses. he works 7am to 7pm and we were at his house till 9 the night before so we were hesitant to see what his response would be...I spoke with him and he pretty much said that he needed to sleep (I called at 8 30 ish in the morning b/c our 2nd bus leaves with all the members on it at 9 30 and we still had to get on our first bus....so he was tired). So I left that conversation with a “bummer, we'll get him next week". We get on our first bus and are about 3 min away from the second and my companion gets a phone call from a random number and almost didn’t pick it up...but good thing he did cuz it was Victor, and said that he was already at the second bus!!!!!! how he got there BEFORE us? No one knows but he ended up coming to church with us for the 1st and 2nd hour!! But not us, the other missionaries in my district had people show up too! And randomly some members brought friends to church...there were 6 investigators at church yesterday :) God delivered, big time. Gospel principles was a blast b/c they ALL stayed for that class. it was NUTS! plus it was fast Sunday which can be good and bad for investigators...we have a few crazies in our branch that like to talk about kolob and how long it takes to get there...and this old guy (not a member) comes almost every week and he literally thinks that he is God. So we always have to make sure investigators don’t talk to him very long. But if those investigators were at church that day...its b/c God wanted them there so. I don’t speak Russian so I can’t really tell you what the testimonies were about but I’m sure they were good ones :). anyways, I had a great week and have another one coming...transfer calls are this week so next week I’ll be in my 3rd transfer already....crazy. I love you all! Have a wonderful week!
PS: things that would be great in a package include:
- Beanies/ ear muff things
-maple extract
- Gatorade powder for drinks
- Hot chocolate packets
I met this man named Richard who is with the Peace Corps and lives right next to us! he's 28 and a BOSS
...here are some pictures from a carnival for Makeevka's 321st birthday!!! no big deal...
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