Great to hear from you mom and kimi! Thanks for hooking me up with some good things to read. Sounds like Alex is gunna pull through with the baptism! That’s great. I pray for her b/c its coming fast and this is when Satan will whip out the big guns so got this, you're making literally the best decision of your life so hang in there. Other than that, Kyle is a senior in high school which still blows my mind and kimi is getting married....and cami sounds like she’s living the dream. Mom that’s dope that your new principle is Mormon! Way to 9 hours a day! I finally know what that feels like haha; and Dad it’s still weird for me that you're not bishop anymore more but it’s got to be great with all the extra family time.
Well, this week was not eventful in the least bit. The mission is crazy with all the ups and downs. I have transfers on Thursday where I’ll get a new companion!! I’ve heard that I’m staying in my area and that a young comp is coming to me, as in I was with them in the MTC, as in we both don’t speak Russian haha. Its going to be a blast though b/c so far its sounds like the sister in our district will be training and the other missionary will be training as well....young district!!! I’m sad to leave my trainer cuz we've become way tight. He was a friend from BYU before my mission, like we would chill together and now the mission has brought us way close. I’m STOKED to get a new companion though.
The summer days here are over; the weather went from hot to cold in 2 days literally so we're expecting not to see the sun here soon. I guess in the winter it is ALWAYS overcast and the sun goes down at 3:30 - 4 ish and by 4:30ish it’s as if it was midnight....crazy, I guess you literally don’t see the sun for 6 months!! I will be a ghost :) As for Victor he didn’t come to church and we didn’t get to meet with him! When we called him his whole demeanor changed and it was as if he were a different person. I hope that he doesn’t drop us. But I met another AWESOME person on a bus named Andrei; he was in the Soviet Army's Special Forces and is in love with the missionaries. He’s this short stalky guy who is always calling us and letting us know the scores to all the "Shocktor" games (Ukraine’s pro team, means Miners) and he said that since we live in a dangerous area that if we call him he will "take care of us". I honestly feel safe now here I’m not even kidding. We had a great first lesson with him while I was on a split and he fed us this soup stuff that I thought was way good although I didn’t really ask what was in it nor did I want to find out.
Well, honestly that’s all for this week but next week will be a great letter b/c I’ll be going in to my next stage as a missionary! As for the package, I would really like the Voice male cds please!! Especially Christmas! Just burn them and send them over if possible! I’ll try to send pictures today, but most times the card reader thing doesn’t work haha but I’ll try :)
I love you all! Sorry this was a short letter, honestly NOTHING happened this week. But I love you and Have an AWESOME weeeeeek!
- Старейшина Руни
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