Sounds like things are going very well at home! The Girls are just living the dream and Kyle is doing work with El Dorado. Mom and Dad...thanks for all that you have taught me. Keep up the good work!
This week was a mazing and absolutely flew by. To start things off...we were going through our area book and meant to call a guy named Vladimir...well my comp thought I said Victor, so randomly we got an appointment with Victor and had a first lesson that went AMAZINGLY well. He is a doctor, which out here is not a very high paying job, and has a small humble family. Well, we taught him again and it was all in English which is a major blessing. it went even better the second time. I’ve had the spiritual experience on this mission already and in still a greenie...anyways we have very high hopes for this man. We will take our branch mission leader on out next lesson so they can relate to each other. Also, this week I had my first greenie split!!!! It was a blast; he has only been out a few weeks. I got a taste of what it was like to train a bit actually. It was his second time contacting his WHOLE mission so his Russian wasn’t the best and his people skills weren’t the best either. It was way cool to see the other side of the companion ship. I’ve been on 5 splits now so I have gotten to see how other missionaries work and it was his first time for everything. In this mission we contact a ton because the members well...they just aren’t "missionary" minded. The church organization here is a nightmare. so by week 2 for me I was used to contacting and getting OWNED by people on the streets and its was this guy's 2nd time only....it was good though, for both not knowing how to speak Russian, we still pulled off 2 contacts and had a lesson on the street for about 20 min...The gift of tongues is SO REAL. I really have a strong testimony that if you do your part HONESTLY,,,then God will do his. Preach My Gospel (PMG) is an amazing book too. The missionaries out here don’t really even use it either! But after watching the Districts a bunch, we compared our numbers with theirs and tried to figure out what they were doing that we weren’t....PMG was the answer. So my comp and I are trying to use it with everything and what do you know...God's plan is perfect. I learned SOOOOOO much on my greeine split and a lot of it was just applying basic gospel principles that taught me a ton. Just do the small and simple things. Well I got word from a reliable source that I’m staying I my area for my 3rd transfer! And I’m getting a young missionary too!! So we both won’t know Russian and I’ll be the guy leading which I’ve done before just not for longer than a day. I’m WAY excited to have a young comp and for the trials that will come with it. I am going to learn so much the nest transfer its gunna be AWESOME! Trials are an interesting concept too, I just have confidence that you get what you make of things, and that through our difficulties is when we grow, so I can’t wait. Tomorrow we will finish up at the Dotcha making a baptismal font with Valentine; and his wife will make us Borsh again....is SOOOOO BOMB. Over all, I’m having the time of my life and I’ve learned so much about myself. God really will give you things if you just ask him and if you are doing your part. His plan is perfect and we just have to trust in it. K, funny Language story for the week; I was talking to a guy named Sash about the plan of salvation, and in Russian if you want anything this to have possession you have to say like "plan of god" instead of "God's plan", then is forces a Case (genitive case if you were wondering) which changes how you say that particular word. Anyways...I said something about the "plan of God" and Sash starts dying of laughter...I guess the word "plan" when used in a possessive way means WEED!!! So I guess I told him all about the weed of God....yeaaaaa. hahaha he just said to say plan of salvation b/c that’s different somehow, don’t know why (as with most cases) but it is. Anyways, have a great week! I love you all!
be happy
- Старейшина Руни
Monday, August 29, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Wow...what a week!!
KIMI!! What!? about to be married?!! CRAZYYYY!! I’M happy for the both of you! Being on a mission helps me realize how important marriage is! as LeGrand Richards puts it.."honey, what do you think we'll be doing 35 million years from now? Cuz you're stuck with me!!" haha I’m truly am so excited for you two. Well sounds like a crazy week at the Rooney's, that’s what I like to hear! Kyle, when does school start? Are you stoked for ASB man? Cami! How’s work? Bro Frisbie is the man...Mom, summer's almost over!!!!! You better head to the beach! Dad, you're not Bishop anymore and I still can’t wrap my head around that. Keep playing on that Boat.
Time truly flies out here. This week was incredible. First of all, I would like to say that anyone who serves a mission is a Baller. To see the growth that I’ve seen in the short time that I’ve been out is incredible. And to know that i've still got some time out here makes me wonder how much I will learn!! It makes me sad to see some people who have served missions throw away the things that they learn out here right after they get home. The mission is your school for eternity. You can always look back on and reflect on the life/gospel principles that you not only learned about, but experienced firsthand. I will cherish this experience for the rest of my life. So, this week was amazing. We worked at the Dacha again and were blessed with the craziest rain storm I’ve ever experienced. Then we found an in active member of the church who fell off the face of the earth and we randomly (not really) contacted into him. We met with him last night and had a powerful lesson. He's controlled by the addiction of smoking and it’s ruining his life. It’s really sad but we're here to hellp!! Then we found to old investigators in the Area book and well, husband and wife that are AMAZING!!!!! The best lesson so far. I have high hopes for these two. I love my life. It really is a choice whether or not you are happy, and with the Gospel....well; it literally doesn’t get any better. I have such a strong testimony that God has a plan. And it really is prefect for you and me. We just have to trust in it. After studying the topic of Hope, I’ve come to know that Hope is essential to being happy and the best part is, hope is a choice too. SO BEEEEEEE HAPPPPPYYYY that’s one of the reasons why were even HERE in the first place! Well, that’s my 2 cents for this week. I spent all my time today chatting with the best siblings in the world so it’s a short one today! I love you all. Have an awesome week as the summer comes to a close.
- Старейшина Руни
Time truly flies out here. This week was incredible. First of all, I would like to say that anyone who serves a mission is a Baller. To see the growth that I’ve seen in the short time that I’ve been out is incredible. And to know that i've still got some time out here makes me wonder how much I will learn!! It makes me sad to see some people who have served missions throw away the things that they learn out here right after they get home. The mission is your school for eternity. You can always look back on and reflect on the life/gospel principles that you not only learned about, but experienced firsthand. I will cherish this experience for the rest of my life. So, this week was amazing. We worked at the Dacha again and were blessed with the craziest rain storm I’ve ever experienced. Then we found an in active member of the church who fell off the face of the earth and we randomly (not really) contacted into him. We met with him last night and had a powerful lesson. He's controlled by the addiction of smoking and it’s ruining his life. It’s really sad but we're here to hellp!! Then we found to old investigators in the Area book and well, husband and wife that are AMAZING!!!!! The best lesson so far. I have high hopes for these two. I love my life. It really is a choice whether or not you are happy, and with the Gospel....well; it literally doesn’t get any better. I have such a strong testimony that God has a plan. And it really is prefect for you and me. We just have to trust in it. After studying the topic of Hope, I’ve come to know that Hope is essential to being happy and the best part is, hope is a choice too. SO BEEEEEEE HAPPPPPYYYY that’s one of the reasons why were even HERE in the first place! Well, that’s my 2 cents for this week. I spent all my time today chatting with the best siblings in the world so it’s a short one today! I love you all. Have an awesome week as the summer comes to a close.
- Старейшина Руни
Monday, August 15, 2011
This week in paradise
Wow, sounds like the Rooney Hotel was used to capacity this week! That's what I like to hear! YOU SAW A WHALE?! WHAT!? Did anyone touch it? or jump on it? I feel like if I saw a whale that would be the first thing to go through my mind..."jump man, you got this". Gosh I love Catalina! It’s great to hear the boat is getting used. Dad, I still can’t get over the fact that you’re not a Bishop anymore; do you feel like you have a ton of extra time now? I have a job for one of you, Find Sandy Bertha, my friend Alex's mom, and throw her on the my email list b/c she dear elders me ;literally every week and I keep forgetting her email. She’s awesome! Kyle! how was asb camp? You’re gunna be a SENIOR...WHAT? Blows my mind. and what is Kimi's deal? school? BYU? working? possible marriage? I feel like she got home from her mission and she fell off the face of the earth...let me know please :) Sounds like a party at home, as it should be. NATE!! Thanks for the Belt buckle!!! Nobody here understands why that’s funny, but I don’t care haha I think is rad. Mom, I got you're football...thank you so much. I really loved getting it, we'll use it soon. Football is one of the few "get-aways" we can have here to feel American again haha.
K, so this week in paradise (as Mr. Haun would say) was the saddest week ever. But, still the Lord manages to help us endure. In the beginning of last transfer, we were having a ton of success finding people and getting investigators. My companion told me that that was rare, and now I know why. This week, we had 1 investigator lesson...and that was all. Nothing else happened and we worked hard. The reason why it was a sad week, was b/c that lesson we had was with Roza and she dropped us HARD. I've met people here that I have really come to like and only few that I have come to love. Roza was like my investigator mom in the mission. In our lesson, things just didn’t feel the same; she started acting like a normal Ukrainian. It was really weird b/c from the start of that lesson I could tell that things weren’t gunna end well. First of all, I hate Satan, he's....kj;krltihaeigrasr AHHHHH...a meanie for lack of better words. I don’t think I’ve ever been that sad in my life honestly than I did that night when I watched Roza start to reject her very reason for being on the earth, the only thing that will help become truly happy, the BEST thing that could EVER happen to ANYONE...the love of Christ. This Gospel is literally the gateway to happiness and for someone to see that and tell me that she knows what we're teaching her is true and then to reject the very message that will save her from the misery she's feeling....breaks my heart almost literally. When we were about to leave her apt, I gave her the most heartfelt testimony that I could conjure up...I broke down in the middle of it. This was a hard time in my life. To see someone that you care for so deeply just deny feelings of the Holy Ghost...is a hard thing. She lost track of the importance of the Gospel. So that was on Monday, then of course we have a hot week so everyone goes to the sea, as in the streets are literally empty. The members here don’t get it and I know I have a missionary perspective but still, our branch is a wreck. The leadership down the drain except for 2 guys that have their heads on straight other than that, nothing is done properly. We tell them how things are supposed to go down and it just doesn’t get done. A lot of it is because we have a young branch and just everything here honestly isn’t up to par. Things are just tough here, but the good part is, is that I’m learning a ton! God's plan is great that’s for sure...but it’s still perfect and we just have to trust in that. I’m really excited to be on a mission b/c I’ve learned SO MUCH about so many things and I’m just in the beginning of my second transfer! To not come on a mission would literally have been the worst mistake of my life. One thing I’ve learned that I’ve come to apply in my life here is to celebrate your differences. With whoever or whatever...celebrate your differences. I’ve learned that life is AMAZING. The Spirit truly can be with you at all times. I've learned that not getting offended is crucial. Jesus really was the PERFECT example. This gospel is the true plan of happy NESS. God loves you. I love you all too! Missionary work is tough, but I love it. I’m having a great time here, and smiling is always worth it. Have a great week!
- Старейшина Руни
Wow, sounds like the Rooney Hotel was used to capacity this week! That's what I like to hear! YOU SAW A WHALE?! WHAT!? Did anyone touch it? or jump on it? I feel like if I saw a whale that would be the first thing to go through my mind..."jump man, you got this". Gosh I love Catalina! It’s great to hear the boat is getting used. Dad, I still can’t get over the fact that you’re not a Bishop anymore; do you feel like you have a ton of extra time now? I have a job for one of you, Find Sandy Bertha, my friend Alex's mom, and throw her on the my email list b/c she dear elders me ;literally every week and I keep forgetting her email. She’s awesome! Kyle! how was asb camp? You’re gunna be a SENIOR...WHAT? Blows my mind. and what is Kimi's deal? school? BYU? working? possible marriage? I feel like she got home from her mission and she fell off the face of the earth...let me know please :) Sounds like a party at home, as it should be. NATE!! Thanks for the Belt buckle!!! Nobody here understands why that’s funny, but I don’t care haha I think is rad. Mom, I got you're football...thank you so much. I really loved getting it, we'll use it soon. Football is one of the few "get-aways" we can have here to feel American again haha.
K, so this week in paradise (as Mr. Haun would say) was the saddest week ever. But, still the Lord manages to help us endure. In the beginning of last transfer, we were having a ton of success finding people and getting investigators. My companion told me that that was rare, and now I know why. This week, we had 1 investigator lesson...and that was all. Nothing else happened and we worked hard. The reason why it was a sad week, was b/c that lesson we had was with Roza and she dropped us HARD. I've met people here that I have really come to like and only few that I have come to love. Roza was like my investigator mom in the mission. In our lesson, things just didn’t feel the same; she started acting like a normal Ukrainian. It was really weird b/c from the start of that lesson I could tell that things weren’t gunna end well. First of all, I hate Satan, he's....kj;krltihaeigrasr AHHHHH...a meanie for lack of better words. I don’t think I’ve ever been that sad in my life honestly than I did that night when I watched Roza start to reject her very reason for being on the earth, the only thing that will help become truly happy, the BEST thing that could EVER happen to ANYONE...the love of Christ. This Gospel is literally the gateway to happiness and for someone to see that and tell me that she knows what we're teaching her is true and then to reject the very message that will save her from the misery she's feeling....breaks my heart almost literally. When we were about to leave her apt, I gave her the most heartfelt testimony that I could conjure up...I broke down in the middle of it. This was a hard time in my life. To see someone that you care for so deeply just deny feelings of the Holy Ghost...is a hard thing. She lost track of the importance of the Gospel. So that was on Monday, then of course we have a hot week so everyone goes to the sea, as in the streets are literally empty. The members here don’t get it and I know I have a missionary perspective but still, our branch is a wreck. The leadership down the drain except for 2 guys that have their heads on straight other than that, nothing is done properly. We tell them how things are supposed to go down and it just doesn’t get done. A lot of it is because we have a young branch and just everything here honestly isn’t up to par. Things are just tough here, but the good part is, is that I’m learning a ton! God's plan is great that’s for sure...but it’s still perfect and we just have to trust in that. I’m really excited to be on a mission b/c I’ve learned SO MUCH about so many things and I’m just in the beginning of my second transfer! To not come on a mission would literally have been the worst mistake of my life. One thing I’ve learned that I’ve come to apply in my life here is to celebrate your differences. With whoever or whatever...celebrate your differences. I’ve learned that life is AMAZING. The Spirit truly can be with you at all times. I've learned that not getting offended is crucial. Jesus really was the PERFECT example. This gospel is the true plan of happy NESS. God loves you. I love you all too! Missionary work is tough, but I love it. I’m having a great time here, and smiling is always worth it. Have a great week!
- Старейшина Руни
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The "Dotcha"
Sounds like things are going great at home! It’s good to hear that you're FINALLY putting some use to the boat. Good times with that thing. Well, i actually took notes of things i wanted to write to you all this and of course i left it at my temporary home so we'll see how this goes haha. To start...this week was awesome. The weeks here seem to fly by faster and faster. Some of my way good friends went home last week finishing great missions and that was kinda sad but life goes on. Now we have 2 sisters in our district! One of them is from Laguna Hills and the other is a "mini" missionary, which means she is from this mission and is only serving a transfer. It’s cool to see how girls work and how they keep the boys in line. One of them kinda talks to us like we're in 2nd grade ALL the time. It’s a little ridiculous but she's gunna be an elementary school teacher so it’s understandable.
K wow, this week was a rush. But I’m going to introduce you to a man named Valenteen.
This man helped change my view on life. He is one of the most humble people I’ve ever met in my life. He is an absolute genius. So i met him for the first time on Tuesday, and we went over to his apartment and the first thing he does is try to sell us old soviet things as most older people do. This guy seems kinda crazy but he's way dope. Anyways, after we got acquainted we had a small lesson about miracles. I then asked him to see if he could remember anything in his life that he would consider a "miracle".
He goes on to tell us that he has had 100's. Here are a few...so 2 weeks ago he remembered this girl that he studied with at a university and for some reason really wanted to see her but she moved to Italy and has been living there for 6 years. He prayed one morning and said " God...if it’s not too much, i would like a miracle and i would like to see my friend again....(i forgot her name)..Amen". Well, that day he was sitting on a marshootka (bus) and he saw his friend sitting on another one parked next to his!! He gets out and talks to her and then they go on their way. It was the friend he wanted to see!! and what’s even crazier is that she was only here for 1 DAY...next miracle...so the day we went and saw him for the first time, we walked into his apartment and there was this receipt thing outside his door that he looked at but didn’t pay too much attention too...well he goes on to tell us about another "small" miracle he had. Turns out his shoes broke that day and in the morning he prayed saying..."God if it’s not too much...i need shoes....amen" (those were pretty much his exact words hahah he can speak in broken English). That paper on his door when we walked in was a receipt thing that was mailed to him from New York from his son (who lives there) for 10 PAIRS OF SHOES!!! he prayed THAT morning for shoes and that night he got the notice saying that his son sent him 10 pairs of shoes...isn’t that incredible?! Now, here's a miracle that he considers a "big" miracle. So, something happened to where he decided that he needed a car...you can tell where this one is going...and he prayed to God for a miracle that he might be able to receive a car. So what happens? He goes to the store and sees that there is a drawing just like at the mall where you write down your information and throw it in a big box and they draw your name and you win...which never happens. Well, my good friend Valenteen puts his name in and ends up winning a brand new car. His reasoning for all of these miracles that he receives is that he works hard. Not just hard, but he works his best. He says that we have to show Heavenly Father that we're worth it, and that we're working our hardest for what we have. He has so much faith and he's humble about everything. He is not wealthy in the least bit but works hard for what he needs and God does the rest.
This week we went and did service at his Dotcha. It’s their "summer home" that everyone has but they're usually always in worse shape than where the regularly live so it’s not much of a vacation. So we went there and this place is just a mess that before the mission i would have completely overwhelmed to even look at and to think that people live there would just be impossible. I'll send you some pictures but it made me appreciate yet again, what I’ve been blessed with.
When we were there we made cement out of scratch and started cementing this house he was making. We literally smashed rocks and went to a stream for the water and added this mix thing he had and made our own cement...then used it. The Ukrainians have a different way of doing things which isn’t the best way almost ALL the time but they've been doing it that certain way their whole lives and they don’t want to change their ways...which is why everything here is 50 years in the past and breaking. Anyways, the house we were working on wasn’t nearly close to being done. We asked him what it was for and he said that it was a home for the missionaries and that he had been working on it for 7 years....and that his goal for the rest of the year is to stop everything and work only on this house. He’s amazing...but the sad part is, is that the missionaries definitely won’t be able to live there cuz of how poor the conditions are. I'll send pictures of it and just look around to see what’s holding things up and the place where these people live.
Then they fed us borsh and tea which was way good. But when we ate, we ate outside, sitting on logs cuz the inside of their place well...just wouldn’t have worked out.
So that was our experience with Valenteen at his Dotcha. On Friday he introduced us to his friend Yoory. Yoory is the Number one model ship builder in Ukraine and has the medals to prove it. So if you want a boat just let me know and he'll sell to us haha. The pictures are pretty funny.
This week has been awesome! i think my "greenie fire" has rubbed off on my companion cuz we work hard and are obedient now FINALLY. It’s great to have the spirit with you. I’ve really learned that you have to qualify for the spirit; it doesn’t just come on in to your life. I’ve also learned that everything goes better if you have an eternal perspective and it’s so easy to love people when you do that...even drunk people that want to end your life haha. I’ve also come to realize how important it is to have Hope and I’m really going to dig in to the meaning "perfect brightness of hope". Here in this mission, things don’t usually turn out the way you hoped, but with hope...your attitude changes and everything doesn’t seem so bad.
I’ve also really come to realize that if people don’t want to listen to you...it’s not that you are a bad missionary; it’s just not their time yet. And our job is to find those who are prepared, and usually those people find us. Anyways, i love this work and i love the trials i go through because that’s what’s shaping me. If you want to be happy and full of joy...serve someone. I love you all!! Have a great week!!
- Старейшина Руни
Sounds like things are going great at home! It’s good to hear that you're FINALLY putting some use to the boat. Good times with that thing. Well, i actually took notes of things i wanted to write to you all this and of course i left it at my temporary home so we'll see how this goes haha. To start...this week was awesome. The weeks here seem to fly by faster and faster. Some of my way good friends went home last week finishing great missions and that was kinda sad but life goes on. Now we have 2 sisters in our district! One of them is from Laguna Hills and the other is a "mini" missionary, which means she is from this mission and is only serving a transfer. It’s cool to see how girls work and how they keep the boys in line. One of them kinda talks to us like we're in 2nd grade ALL the time. It’s a little ridiculous but she's gunna be an elementary school teacher so it’s understandable.
K wow, this week was a rush. But I’m going to introduce you to a man named Valenteen.
This man helped change my view on life. He is one of the most humble people I’ve ever met in my life. He is an absolute genius. So i met him for the first time on Tuesday, and we went over to his apartment and the first thing he does is try to sell us old soviet things as most older people do. This guy seems kinda crazy but he's way dope. Anyways, after we got acquainted we had a small lesson about miracles. I then asked him to see if he could remember anything in his life that he would consider a "miracle".
He goes on to tell us that he has had 100's. Here are a few...so 2 weeks ago he remembered this girl that he studied with at a university and for some reason really wanted to see her but she moved to Italy and has been living there for 6 years. He prayed one morning and said " God...if it’s not too much, i would like a miracle and i would like to see my friend again....(i forgot her name)..Amen". Well, that day he was sitting on a marshootka (bus) and he saw his friend sitting on another one parked next to his!! He gets out and talks to her and then they go on their way. It was the friend he wanted to see!! and what’s even crazier is that she was only here for 1 DAY...next miracle...so the day we went and saw him for the first time, we walked into his apartment and there was this receipt thing outside his door that he looked at but didn’t pay too much attention too...well he goes on to tell us about another "small" miracle he had. Turns out his shoes broke that day and in the morning he prayed saying..."God if it’s not too much...i need shoes....amen" (those were pretty much his exact words hahah he can speak in broken English). That paper on his door when we walked in was a receipt thing that was mailed to him from New York from his son (who lives there) for 10 PAIRS OF SHOES!!! he prayed THAT morning for shoes and that night he got the notice saying that his son sent him 10 pairs of shoes...isn’t that incredible?! Now, here's a miracle that he considers a "big" miracle. So, something happened to where he decided that he needed a car...you can tell where this one is going...and he prayed to God for a miracle that he might be able to receive a car. So what happens? He goes to the store and sees that there is a drawing just like at the mall where you write down your information and throw it in a big box and they draw your name and you win...which never happens. Well, my good friend Valenteen puts his name in and ends up winning a brand new car. His reasoning for all of these miracles that he receives is that he works hard. Not just hard, but he works his best. He says that we have to show Heavenly Father that we're worth it, and that we're working our hardest for what we have. He has so much faith and he's humble about everything. He is not wealthy in the least bit but works hard for what he needs and God does the rest.
This week we went and did service at his Dotcha. It’s their "summer home" that everyone has but they're usually always in worse shape than where the regularly live so it’s not much of a vacation. So we went there and this place is just a mess that before the mission i would have completely overwhelmed to even look at and to think that people live there would just be impossible. I'll send you some pictures but it made me appreciate yet again, what I’ve been blessed with.
When we were there we made cement out of scratch and started cementing this house he was making. We literally smashed rocks and went to a stream for the water and added this mix thing he had and made our own cement...then used it. The Ukrainians have a different way of doing things which isn’t the best way almost ALL the time but they've been doing it that certain way their whole lives and they don’t want to change their ways...which is why everything here is 50 years in the past and breaking. Anyways, the house we were working on wasn’t nearly close to being done. We asked him what it was for and he said that it was a home for the missionaries and that he had been working on it for 7 years....and that his goal for the rest of the year is to stop everything and work only on this house. He’s amazing...but the sad part is, is that the missionaries definitely won’t be able to live there cuz of how poor the conditions are. I'll send pictures of it and just look around to see what’s holding things up and the place where these people live.
Then they fed us borsh and tea which was way good. But when we ate, we ate outside, sitting on logs cuz the inside of their place well...just wouldn’t have worked out.
So that was our experience with Valenteen at his Dotcha. On Friday he introduced us to his friend Yoory. Yoory is the Number one model ship builder in Ukraine and has the medals to prove it. So if you want a boat just let me know and he'll sell to us haha. The pictures are pretty funny.
This week has been awesome! i think my "greenie fire" has rubbed off on my companion cuz we work hard and are obedient now FINALLY. It’s great to have the spirit with you. I’ve really learned that you have to qualify for the spirit; it doesn’t just come on in to your life. I’ve also learned that everything goes better if you have an eternal perspective and it’s so easy to love people when you do that...even drunk people that want to end your life haha. I’ve also come to realize how important it is to have Hope and I’m really going to dig in to the meaning "perfect brightness of hope". Here in this mission, things don’t usually turn out the way you hoped, but with hope...your attitude changes and everything doesn’t seem so bad.
I’ve also really come to realize that if people don’t want to listen to you...it’s not that you are a bad missionary; it’s just not their time yet. And our job is to find those who are prepared, and usually those people find us. Anyways, i love this work and i love the trials i go through because that’s what’s shaping me. If you want to be happy and full of joy...serve someone. I love you all!! Have a great week!!
- Старейшина Руни
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
One Crazy Week!!
K so right now...life couldn’t honestly get much better. Sounds like Kimi's talk went great and that’s awesome for Todd! I love that guy it'll be crazy when I see him again haha. I GOT YOUR PACKAGES!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! The music the pictures the candy! The COOKIES!!! Ukraine just isn’t up to par with pretty much anything haha. Except for juice, they've got us beat with that one. I know you've been planning (I think) to pick me up from the mish...if that’s the case, please rethink your decision. It honestly is not safe here unless you go to Kiev. Other than that, if you’re not doing God's work....you should have no business here haha seriously. Kimi is in Utah already? Crazy! My sources tell me that the waffle party was a blast! That’s awesome, great to hear. Time is just absolutely flying by.

This week was the craziest week of my mission...to start, two of my boys have their exit interviews today...the mission never ceases to throw crazy emotions at you. Even though I’ve only known them for a transfer, we became way tight. So it'll be sad to see them leave. But it’s cool, the work goes on. We got our transfer calls....we're getting 2 sisters in my District! I haven’t worked with sisters yet so I’m excited to see how things turn out. Ok, I’ll probably have one life threatening experience about once a week that I’ll write you about cuz i think that they're fun hahaha. I just know that if I’m doing my part, God will do his...and I’m doing my part so there's nothing to worry about :). Ready? K, so it all starts contacting, which is what we do all day everyday cuz we have only a handful of investigators, and we were seeing no success. So, I said a quick prayer to myself that we could at least talk to someone. As we know God answers prayers and about a minute later a guy walks up to us and asks us if he can have a copy of the Book of Mormon. WOW! God answered my prayer way fast it was SO COOL. We get his contact info and everything, it was awesome! His name was Victor and kind of weird but everyone is a little off here so it didn’t phase us. We had great conversation and just went on with our day. That night we get a phone call from this guy super late at night which we thought was weird but kind of just ignored. I woke in the morning with a text message from him saying he needed money which we also ignored cuz people tell us all the time that Americans are rich and that they need money....we thought it was a little weird but didn’t think much of it cuz he was probably just drunk like all the rest of the people here haha. So we set up a time to meet at his place and we head over there pretty stoked on this lesson we're about to have. I’ve got the Joseph Smith story memorized cuz i had been working in it so i could use it in our lesson...k the sketchiness begins....we go up to his apt and knock. we hear him come up to the door but then he starts talking to himself asking himself if he speaks English...in English! Then he starts making noises like he was moving things around and starts knocking on the door...we were just like, great...this guy’s drunk. So he finally finds the door knob and lets us in. His place was as bare as bare could be. Literally nothing on the walls, floors ....anything. We walk into his room slash living room and it’s just waaaay dark. Except for the TV was on. Immediately we both get this weird feeling, not to the extent that we needed to leave but, just that this guy seems like a nut. The TV looked like the TV from the movie "the Ring"...and it was playing weird children’s cartoons...static filled and everything. We look around and there were little Barbie’s kind of lying around and all that was in his room was this tiny TV, weird girl toys and a chest of some sort. He goes on to tell us that he is an "een-val-eed", mentally handicapped. then in broken English says" i kill, i kill" and something about Americans. So I’m starting to get a little freaked out and my comp and i give each other the “bro, this guy is literally crazy" look. We asked what that meant that he "kill"s. Well, that wasn’t the best question cuz he turns around and starts shuffling through his chest thing on the ground and through his bed sheets for something. me and my companion brace ourselves....we didn’t know what was about to go down so we were prepping in our minds what we would do...turns around with something that looks like a knife sheath thing and comes at me acting like he's trying to stab me with this thing he had in his hand. I probably soiled myself...i can’t remember. But after he stopped the eerie-est feeling came over the both of us. The guy starts to tell us that in 1991 he was put into a mental institution and was released in 2003.....the guy killed his dad with a knife and threw him off a "balcone"...balcony. And he started to act out how it all went down with that THING he had in his hand!! Coming at me!!!! We took off...never been so scared in my life. It was just a creepy strange environment...we thanked God that nothing happened to us. :)

We get to see Roza this week again! Pray for her! And there were 2 baptisms in our branch on Saturday! There really is no greater feeling than watching someone receive the Holy Ghost. Words can’t describe the feeling of watching some change their life. I love this work. I see blessings every day, I’ve never been so happy in my life. I know that you can literally go to God for anything cuz he's there for you. Have a great week. I loved the packages, you honestly have no idea how it feels to get things like that when you're on a mission, unless you've been here. Be happy, life is great. You literally have the choice to have a good day or not, it’s all up to you. I love this Gospel and know that it changes lives and brings true happiness to all. Love you all!!
- Старейшина Руни
K so right now...life couldn’t honestly get much better. Sounds like Kimi's talk went great and that’s awesome for Todd! I love that guy it'll be crazy when I see him again haha. I GOT YOUR PACKAGES!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! The music the pictures the candy! The COOKIES!!! Ukraine just isn’t up to par with pretty much anything haha. Except for juice, they've got us beat with that one. I know you've been planning (I think) to pick me up from the mish...if that’s the case, please rethink your decision. It honestly is not safe here unless you go to Kiev. Other than that, if you’re not doing God's work....you should have no business here haha seriously. Kimi is in Utah already? Crazy! My sources tell me that the waffle party was a blast! That’s awesome, great to hear. Time is just absolutely flying by.
This week was the craziest week of my mission...to start, two of my boys have their exit interviews today...the mission never ceases to throw crazy emotions at you. Even though I’ve only known them for a transfer, we became way tight. So it'll be sad to see them leave. But it’s cool, the work goes on. We got our transfer calls....we're getting 2 sisters in my District! I haven’t worked with sisters yet so I’m excited to see how things turn out. Ok, I’ll probably have one life threatening experience about once a week that I’ll write you about cuz i think that they're fun hahaha. I just know that if I’m doing my part, God will do his...and I’m doing my part so there's nothing to worry about :). Ready? K, so it all starts contacting, which is what we do all day everyday cuz we have only a handful of investigators, and we were seeing no success. So, I said a quick prayer to myself that we could at least talk to someone. As we know God answers prayers and about a minute later a guy walks up to us and asks us if he can have a copy of the Book of Mormon. WOW! God answered my prayer way fast it was SO COOL. We get his contact info and everything, it was awesome! His name was Victor and kind of weird but everyone is a little off here so it didn’t phase us. We had great conversation and just went on with our day. That night we get a phone call from this guy super late at night which we thought was weird but kind of just ignored. I woke in the morning with a text message from him saying he needed money which we also ignored cuz people tell us all the time that Americans are rich and that they need money....we thought it was a little weird but didn’t think much of it cuz he was probably just drunk like all the rest of the people here haha. So we set up a time to meet at his place and we head over there pretty stoked on this lesson we're about to have. I’ve got the Joseph Smith story memorized cuz i had been working in it so i could use it in our lesson...k the sketchiness begins....we go up to his apt and knock. we hear him come up to the door but then he starts talking to himself asking himself if he speaks English...in English! Then he starts making noises like he was moving things around and starts knocking on the door...we were just like, great...this guy’s drunk. So he finally finds the door knob and lets us in. His place was as bare as bare could be. Literally nothing on the walls, floors ....anything. We walk into his room slash living room and it’s just waaaay dark. Except for the TV was on. Immediately we both get this weird feeling, not to the extent that we needed to leave but, just that this guy seems like a nut. The TV looked like the TV from the movie "the Ring"...and it was playing weird children’s cartoons...static filled and everything. We look around and there were little Barbie’s kind of lying around and all that was in his room was this tiny TV, weird girl toys and a chest of some sort. He goes on to tell us that he is an "een-val-eed", mentally handicapped. then in broken English says" i kill, i kill" and something about Americans. So I’m starting to get a little freaked out and my comp and i give each other the “bro, this guy is literally crazy" look. We asked what that meant that he "kill"s. Well, that wasn’t the best question cuz he turns around and starts shuffling through his chest thing on the ground and through his bed sheets for something. me and my companion brace ourselves....we didn’t know what was about to go down so we were prepping in our minds what we would do...turns around with something that looks like a knife sheath thing and comes at me acting like he's trying to stab me with this thing he had in his hand. I probably soiled myself...i can’t remember. But after he stopped the eerie-est feeling came over the both of us. The guy starts to tell us that in 1991 he was put into a mental institution and was released in 2003.....the guy killed his dad with a knife and threw him off a "balcone"...balcony. And he started to act out how it all went down with that THING he had in his hand!! Coming at me!!!! We took off...never been so scared in my life. It was just a creepy strange environment...we thanked God that nothing happened to us. :)
We get to see Roza this week again! Pray for her! And there were 2 baptisms in our branch on Saturday! There really is no greater feeling than watching someone receive the Holy Ghost. Words can’t describe the feeling of watching some change their life. I love this work. I see blessings every day, I’ve never been so happy in my life. I know that you can literally go to God for anything cuz he's there for you. Have a great week. I loved the packages, you honestly have no idea how it feels to get things like that when you're on a mission, unless you've been here. Be happy, life is great. You literally have the choice to have a good day or not, it’s all up to you. I love this Gospel and know that it changes lives and brings true happiness to all. Love you all!!
- Старейшина Руни
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