"This is sick!!"      peace,  Elder Dude

"This is sick!!" peace, Elder Dude

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Patience, Patience...

 That's great to hear about seeing Casey Jones...that must have been so awesome! So Cami is now in Nashville...that's crazy, she's going to kill it out there. Its great to hear from you all.  So Mother's Day is coming up so I need your schedule soon to see when everything can go down. I leave for my new area tomorrow so I still have no idea when and where I'll be able to do everything.  Just let me know, I'm SOOO STOKED!  I feel like I just spoke with you guys. Time is Flying by faster than ever. The weather here is unreal right now, it gets me WAAAAAY surf trunky haha.  I have had such a blast in this area and I'm way bummed that I have to leave but I know that God's plan for me is perfect so I'm excited to have the experiences that the Lord has in store for.  So as I mentioned last week, Tomorrow I leave for my new area to a place that is on the Sea of Azod (?) and its called Mariupol.  I hear its fun and pretty down there but that with all of the factories...there is smog FOR DAYS! its a rule actually that a missionary is not allowed to serve there for more that 2 or 3 transfers b/c of how bad the air there is...so yea haha.  I just ended the hardest most trial filled transfer of my mission and I can say that the Lord has definitely given me some oppurtunites to become more like Him.  And dang its tough sometimes.  But as always, in hindsight we see how much we have grown and how immediate success is not always the Lord's way of giving blessings.  I learn more and more about the concept of patience and how patience isn't just sitting around and taking beatings haha but how we need to always be moving forward. Especially through trials that are difficult to overcome. I feel that when I have the faith sufficient to do anything the Lord wants (which to be honest wavers from time to time) my trails become less and less trying. They just become a way of life that I half expect to come at all times b/c once one trial is done, the next comes.  And with patience and unwavering faith, trails don't effect me as much b/c I have an increasing understanding of Heavenly Father's plan for me, or maintaining an eternal perspective.  Now the trick is (for me at least) how do I keep my faith from wavering?  Anyways, that's just some food for thought.  I can't wait to hear from you ALLLLL!!!!!  I hope that all is well and that you are all working hard.  I love you all so much.


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