"This is sick!!"      peace,  Elder Dude

"This is sick!!" peace, Elder Dude

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meat jello????

  What the heck is an "apple pro"?  And where's mine?!  Kidding, that’s awesome to hear everything that’s going down in our family!  Kyle got in to the summer at BYU?  That’s AWESOME!!  That was by FAR my favorite experience of college hands down.  Sounds like things are going great at home.  Booo Ya!!  And yes mom, I work out every day! For the most part.... I’ve put on 10 pounds (good pounds)!!!  I use the pull up bar that Kyle got me for Christmas a few years ago and the perfect pushups....my record is 27 pull ups!   I love working out b/c its "ME" time, which never happens, so I workout pretty hard.   I actually just got sick...but it’s nothing compared to stupid scabies so it’s FINE...give it a few days and everything should be back to normal.  The weather here is AWESOME!  It’s in the 30's FINALLY but since there's no real plowing system, you slip a ton...it makes for an adventure.  This week was great.  I remember when Uncle Nate was telling his story about going to a woman’s house and she fed them a TON of meat that was no good...so they stuffed it down there pants and took off...well here's my food story for the week that also involves meat that should never be eaten...let me introduce to something called "холодец", its cold, NASTY "meat jello".  I'll send a picture of course. It’s probably number one on my "never ever eat again in your whole life even if someone gives you a million dollars" list.   The woman who made it was in her 80's I think.  In one bite I spit out 4 pieces of bone about the size of my tooth.  I almost died...I was on a split and I looked at my comp and we both agreed that we couldn’t do it.  I took a few more of the hardest bites to swallow in the world then...started planning on how we were going to get rid of it....soooooo my comp went in to the kitchen and started asking questions and kept "Babooshka Vera" busy, while I may or may not have taken the meat jello and found a window on a balcony and accidently tripped dropping the meat jello out of an apt bldg...on the 5th floor.  I left one bite for the both of us after finishing the deed.  Which was STILLL so hard to down.   We of course told her it was delicious and then drank our tea....it was great tea too.  However, turns out that her "famous tea" was black tea...we drank a TON of it too...it’s FINE.  THEN Sunday morning, still on the spit, I had MAD stomach problems, and may or may not have had gnarly "понос" (DIEareeeya) 3 TIMES before 9 AM!!! Thank you meat jello.  But at least it was chicken and not cat...count your blessings.  

On another note, my comp and I are doing good, great kid just a little hard to handle at some points but who isn’t, I’m not perfect either.  My fire has been lit again and his isn’t burning as much so it’s hard sometimes but we're both learning. I've been learning a lot about spiritual gifts and how to obtain them, but I’ve decided to stop kicking against the pricks with Russian and I’m trying to let myself love the language as hard as it may be.  It’s a work in progress, it’s such a humbling experience to be here and go through all of this.  I needed it BAD. Also, the members LOVE you all.  There's a family here that’s SOOO AMAZING! They said that Mom and Dad are welcome ANYTIME to stay at their place and visit, they want you both to come and they both served missions, and speak great English. So the invitation is out, you have a place to stay... Also, a lot of members think American boys are stupid b/c no one has taken Cami yet...like some members get almost heated that boys in America are letting her pass by. They got your back Cam...for real though.  well, it’s great to hear from you all again, my time here is passing and before I know it I’ll be home, which will be so bitter sweet, b/c I love it here.  Also...when does spring semester start the year I get home? summer? let me know thanks :)   I love you all so much you have no idea!  Have a great week!

- Старейшина Руни
My bed, uh, that is, my metal hamock!

1 comment:

  1. Sooooooooooooooooooo funny about th emeat Jello Sean...
    I sent your blog to your uncle Babak so he can read it too.
    Yes, I am also very happy it was chicken and not CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what????
    I love you my handsome funny nephew.
