"This is sick!!"      peace,  Elder Dude

"This is sick!!" peace, Elder Dude

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Working Hours....

Wow, thank you so much mom and dad for your letters, they were both powerful and exactly what I needed to hear. I love the council mom gave, “look with the Lord's eyes". I've actually been trying to do that. When I’m on a bus or something and no one is talking to us, I try and look at people as "they really are" (Jacob 4:13...I think). They are all children of our Heavenly Father, which means that they have all the potential that I have to receive all that the Father has. It puts things in a different perspective. So thanks mom.
This past week was tough and great all at the same time. We had a zone conference and our mission is changing little by little. We just received a new schedule. Up at 6:30, out the door by 7...finding people till 8:30 (in the FREEZING COLD!!), then coming in for exercise and breakfast. Our studies are broken up and it’s just crazy how tired I’ve been getting. They decided to shift around the schedule for the whole mission to compensate for light and when men are going to work, lunch break, and coming home from work. With no real light up in a lot of areas at night, it’s hard to find people in the pitch black and it doesn’t help that by 4:30pm every day it’s already dark. It’s been interesting but I’m trying my best b/c I love my president and he holds the keys to lead this mission. This past week has taught me a ton. I went on a split with one of my favorite people in this whole mission. We had a KILLER lesson in English with a guy who is in a band, doesn’t believe in a "middle man" aka, Jesus Christ or prophets, and only wanted to practice English with us. But Since God always wins, the spirit directed our entire lesson and it was one of the most powerful experiences on my mission. Then we met a guy right after the lesson who, if we hadn’t been so full of the spirit from our lesson, we wouldn’t even have given a second thought to, but we spoke with him. He just went on and on but we stood there in the middle of the street, both as calm as could be (it was already almost 9:20 at night...) and by the end of this conversation with a very bitter atheist man, we testified and told him we would answer his questions (one of them being, "If you have a God who loves us so much, why does he let bad things happen to good people?"). He then smiled and said thank you and that he just wanted to know the answers to these questions. The Spirit softened this man's heart and it was all just amazing. Then looking back on our circumstances, we spoke with that man at night, already late to be inside (b/c of a lesson that got out late...haha so we were still obedient), we just happened to stop that man underneath the ONLY light on the entire street which was about a quarter mile long...think God had anything to do with that? Me too…. It was amazing. There were so many other miracles that I want to talk about but writing is not a strength of mine so I’ll just tell you when I’m home haha. I had a killer week and I could not be so dead and beat, but it’s all worth it. I received a ton of complements from other missionaries for some reason recently. I've learned a ton about putting effort towards a relationship. Before my mission I remember Dad told me that “in order to have a successful relationship, both people have to put in 115%", I’ve lived on that quote. And I see the BIGGEST difference in a relationship when the other person puts in just as much as you. I’m just waiting for my "Jarom" haha. We'll see if he shows up. Anyways I love you all so much. Have a great week!
- Старейшина Руни

PS: thank the Kidd family for the gift please!
- Also duct tape would be HUGE! :) And maybe just a TON of pictures....if there is going to be anything sent my way soon!

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