"This is sick!!"      peace,  Elder Dude

"This is sick!!" peace, Elder Dude

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Guided by the Spirit...

Hey guys, thanks so much for your letters!  They were all exactly what I needed to hear. I hope to continue to finish strong...really strong.   As for our baptisms, unfortunately we had to push them back b/c they didn't come to church on Sunday  but we'll get things moving with them again.  My comp and I are speaking 100% Russian out side of the apt. Its nice b/c I constantly  learn a ton of new words that are very useful.  The Russian language is a never ending "humble pie" haha, but it teaches me a lot about myself other than words and grammar.  I had a wonderful experience last night with a member of the church where I felt the spirit work through me.  We had a lesson planned for her and everything, then we got there and she started talking about a situation that she has with her daughter about how her daughter hates her now and left the church.  Its super sad.  But as she was explaining her situation and all about how she wants her daughter to come back to church and everything, I remembered what I had studied earlier that morning for personal study and felt prompted to share it with her. Well, at first it didn't seem to apply a ton to her situation but the lesson unfolded and scriptures kept coming to my mind and I kept sharing insights and things that I learned.  The lesson ended up being EXACTLY what she needed. How do I know this? b/c she told me.  She was lifted off the ground by the end of the lesson and had a goal of what she wanted to do and an action plan of how she was going to do it.  It was soooo great to see and understand that I may not know everything that is going on in her life but God does.  God directed my personal study that morning with this member in mind.  I'm grateful that I was worthy to be that instrument in helping this member.  It was such an AWESOME experience.  Then, she applied some of the things that we talked about in her prayer at the end, I could feel that she was actually praying and communicating. She prayed for us to find new great investigators and when she said that I knew that we would.  So as we left her place, we were on our way back to our branch bldg and as we were walking I remembered the words of her prayer and took that as God trying to communicate with me through the spirit by bringing back to my remembrance those words. I knew that her prayer would be answered and right as I remembered those words a man walked by us.  I rather suddenly stopped and said to the man walking by " HI!! we are here as missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and....".  Well, the man has had experience with missionaries before and even spoke a little English   He gave us his number and told us to call...it was such perfect timing and I know that God was directing the whole thing.  We are supposed to call him tonight and set up a time to meet with him.  All things are fulfilled by faith, and prayer is an act of faith.  I know that b/c we were close to the spirit, we were able to be led in a wonderful lesson that helped a woman grow in faith, which lead her to pray and actually mean what she said, which prayer of faith led us into a miracle. We were simply doing something that sometimes isn't so simple to do, we were " in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing", as Pres. Love would say. And b/c of this chain of events, all participants "were edified"...and it was SO AWESOME!  Anyways, Thanks for all of your emails, I love you all and pray for you everyday.  Have a wonderful week.

- Старейшина Руни

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